Easter is a special time of year with loads of Easter decor, traditional food, and fun. This spring time holiday is well known for it’s bunnies, candy, chicks and baskets of colorful eggs. When I was a kid, I looked forward to family fun dying eggs on Saturday and then hunting for and filling my Easter basket with the decorated eggs as well as the little plastic eggs that were filled with candies and coins – all hidden by the Easter bunny of course. If I was lucky, I also ended up with a large chocolate bunny to eat that day or a stuffed chick or bunny to love forever (or as long as it held up).
Are you looking for delicious food or fun Easter activities like free printable coloring sheets and games? Then, read on!

Historical and Religious Significance of Easter
Easter is a holiday that I have loved since I was a kid and it’s one my kids now love as well. And while I admit to enjoying the highly commercialized side of this holiday, what I am truly thankful for is the deeper historical and religious meaning of Easter.
For Christians, Easter is a holiday that celebrates the Resurrection of Jesus Christ three days after his death by crucifixion. It is also the celebration of the end of the Lenten season where many Christians fast and pray for penitence.
So, how do Easter Eggs and the Easter Bunny fit into the religious celebrations?
Eggs, chicks, and bunny rabbits are all considered to be ancient symbols of new life so it’s only fitting that they are symbols still used today to mark the Resurrection of and new life in Christ.
Decorating for Easter and Easter Traditions
Who doesn’t love Easter traditions and Easter decorations?
We interviewed Allison W. from San Antonio about her Easter traditions and she shared with us how she is celebrating Easter this year.
EC: What are you and your family’s Easter traditions?
Allison W.: We like to decorate and eat deviled eggs.
EC: Why do you like to decorate for Easter?
Allison W.: I do it for the kids and it’s fun for me. I love picking out animals with cute smiles that will make you smile too.
EC: Who, if anyone, inspired you to decorate the way that you do? What can you say about their decorating style? Do you have any special memories of them decorating or you assisting them in decorating for Easter?
Allison W.: I get my inspiration from my mom. She goes all out!
EC: Are there any particular places that you like to shop for your Easter decorations?
Allison W.: I like going to T.J.Maxx and Homegoods.
EC: I love that cool headband your son is wearing and that fun looking toy he is holding. Where did you find them?
Allison W.: I think I got them both at Target. The carrot is a stretchy toy that can be pulled on like a Mr. Stretch. He has had it for about a year and likes playing with it.
*We found a similar stretchy carrot sensory/stress relieving toy that can be found here on Amazon.

Find similar Easter decorations and items to the ones seen in Allison W.’s photos, like her cute carrot garland, bunny figurines, and her son’s headband and stretchy carrot toy, by checking out the Easter collections found at Allison W.’s favorite stores: T.J.Maxx, Homegoods, and Target.
Easter Deviled Eggs
Just like Allison W., our family loves to eat deviled eggs. With it being Easter, we couldn’t help but share this deliciously simple Classic Deviled Eggs recipe submitted by ExtremeChickens community member, “HankTank”.
Easter Activities
Spring is in the air… and so is bad weather and germs. Unfortunately, there’s been more than one occasion where Easter weekend plans had to be canceled either due to inclement weather or one of my kiddos coming down with strep throat, a stomach bug, or the flu. So, what’s a hen or rooster to do when they’re cooped up with their little chicks on Easter weekend? Plenty!

When you’re done dying eggs and you’re family has cabin fever or you’re needing something to do to pass the time on a long trip home from visiting family and friends, we’ve got some fun printable coloring sheets and games to keep you entertained!
Free Easter Printables
Looking for something fun for your little bunnies to do this Easter? We’ve created free printable coloring sheets and games to keep your family occupied this Easter.
These coloring sheets and games all print on white backgrounds and are waiting for you to add your creative touch.

From our family to yours, Happy Easter!