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All. Things. Chicken... and More!

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What’s your plan today?

All. Things. Chicken... and More!

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*By using this website, you are agreeing to our terms and conditions.

What You'll Find Here

Unique activities, accents, and flavors - found locally.

ExtremeChickens Push Pins on a Map. Find chickens near you.
Explore - Find Chickens Near You
ExtremeChickens. Come In We're Open. Shop for Chickens..
Shop - Browse Our Collection of Chicken Merch
ExtremeChickens Home
Cook - Delicious Chicken Recipes and More!

What You'll Find Here

Unique activities, accents, and flavors - found locally.

ExtremeChickens Push Pins on a Map. Find chickens near you.
Explore - Find Chickens Near You
ExtremeChickens. Come In We're Open. Shop for Chickens..
Shop - Browse Our Collection of Chicken Merch
ExtremeChickens Home
Cook - Delicious Chicken Recipes and More!

Discover Experiences

Unique activities, accents, and flavors - found locally.

Women petting chickens. Find places to pet a chicken near you.
Places to Pet a Chicken
Please come in sign. Shop for chicken related goods and accessories in stores near you.
Places to Shop for Chicken Goods and Accessories
Asian chicken stir fry with chopsticks. Find chicken in restaurants near you.
Places to Eat Chicken


Places to Eat Chicken

Featured Restaurant listings that are rated popular by the community.

Places to Eat Chicken

Featured Restaurant listings that are rated popular by the community.

Chicken Things in Stores Near You

Featured Store listings that are rated popular by the community.

Chicken Things in Stores Near You

Featured Store listings that are rated popular by the community.

Local Farmers' Markets

Featured Farmers' Market listings that are rated popular by the community.

Local Farmers' Markets

Featured Farmers' Market listings that are rated popular by the community.